CMP first with facility for fire-extinguishing water

CMP is in the process of installing pipes as the final part of the investment in an extinguishing water facility in the Oil Port in Malmö. It entails dealing optimally with contaminated water in connection with a fire.

– We are first in Sweden, perhaps in the world, says Jens Haugsöen, oil terminal manager at CMP in Malmö.

Just to clarify the situation; there never has been a fire in the Oil Port. And according to Jens Haugsöen it is extremely unlikely that there ever will be. This is about a safety measure for dealing with contaminated water if, nevertheless, a fire was to occur.

Construction of a pool for extinguishing water commenced in early November.

– We have just completed the casting of a buffer pool that is about 22 metres long, says Jens Haugsöen.

The extinguishing water system will be an addition to CMP’s ordinary surface water system. Should a fire occur, the surface water will be redirected to the extinguishing water system.

– The water is then conveyed from the pool via a pump to a 10,000 cubic metre SAFIR tank.

The fibreglass-reinforced pipes that have are currently being laid one metre underground are there to transport the extinguishing water. Work on the pipe, which is about 1,000 metres long, will be completed by the turn of the year.

– CMP is coordinating the work for the oil and chemicals companies that are located in the Oil Port. The Environment and Health Administration requires that the businesses are able to take charge of contaminated extinguishing water.

The preventive measure previously planned was suction trucks that are driven between the fire scene and the site where the waste is received. The new extinguishing water plant makes the process more flexible, with all the contaminated water flowing directly to the pool. And it is not necessary to use the relatively expensive suction trucks.

In principle, an extinguishing water plant doesn’t require any staff, one person starts the pump in the buffer pool when the level is sufficiently high and the plant then functions automatically.

CMP is putting SEK 1.5 million towards the estimated total of SEK 5 million for the investment. The remaining SEK 3.5 million will be paid over a five year period by the businesses affected. The contractors who are carrying out the bulk of the work are Depåservice AB and Stefan Kristenssons Åkeri AB.